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Former FAA employee 'maliciously' caused a communications blackout between 10 planes and Air Traffic Control over Hawaii
A former FAA employee has been sentenced to two years of probation and a $5,000 fine. Joelyn DeCosta has been charged with "maliciously interfering" with air traffic communications. Her actions resulted in a communications blackout while at least 10 planes were airborne, the DoJ said. A former Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) employee has been sentenced to two years of probation and a $5,000 fine for interfering with communications between Air Traffic Control and several planes. A… ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Strangely missing is any explanation as to exactly what she did and, more importantly, why? Not good reporting, to say the least!
They don't call it yahoo, for nothing....
Yahoo might have posted the story, but it was not sorted by them.
If you must know - she left her mic keyed. This if course steps on everyone on the freq. After 2 minutes of continuous transmit, there is a reset and a controller would need to release and re-key to transmit again.
If you must know - she left her mic keyed. This if course steps on everyone on the freq. After 2 minutes of continuous transmit, there is a reset and a controller would need to release and re-key to transmit again.
I agree with Peter. 5k + 2 years probation? That is a joke.
In some ways, I believe this is a terrorist act. Imagine the pilots reaction to losing communications with ATC.
10 planes times a possible 150 passengers. She may have jeopardized 1,500 human lives. The punishment is not enough for this act.
In some ways, I believe this is a terrorist act. Imagine the pilots reaction to losing communications with ATC.
10 planes times a possible 150 passengers. She may have jeopardized 1,500 human lives. The punishment is not enough for this act.
I agree that what she did was dangerous and reprehensible and that she needs to be held accountable. But that doesn't make it terrorism, which is defined as "the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims."
Unfortunately the article doesn't discuss her motivations, but it's difficult to see "political aims" behind these actions.
Storming the Capitol to prevent the counting of electoral college votes -- that's terrorism.
Senators and Representatives who alter their vote due to fears for their own or their family's safety -- they're bending to terrorism.
Unfortunately the article doesn't discuss her motivations, but it's difficult to see "political aims" behind these actions.
Storming the Capitol to prevent the counting of electoral college votes -- that's terrorism.
Senators and Representatives who alter their vote due to fears for their own or their family's safety -- they're bending to terrorism.
Clarify, you are aptly (user)named. "Terrorism" and "terrorist act" are too often used as a drama-intensifiers.