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British Airways Pilot Stabbed, Held at Gunpoint During Layover in South Africa
A veteran pilot at British Airways was reportedly attacked while on a run with a fellow BA crew member in the South African city of Johannesburg. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Finally a voice of sanity and relevance. You are correct. Added to which, the airlines are well aware of the security situations in all of their destinations, and they advise their crews - even have rules - about how to minimize the risk of victimization wherever they fly. Is it likely that these staff members ignored the advice or the rules? As you said, not much information to rely upon.
Greatly appreciated Mr Segal , your thoughts, expressions and discussions are very accurate.
As you stated discussed subjects or issues should be relevant to actual stories and not to overflow to a discussion that has nothing to do with the an article different from political conversation.
As you stated discussed subjects or issues should be relevant to actual stories and not to overflow to a discussion that has nothing to do with the an article different from political conversation.
Gosh, imagine that. How unusual for Africa. Quick, send them a few million$ taxpayer dollars. ð¸
This sounded like our visit last month to San Francisco in California USA. A descent into disarray. We knew about South Africa, but SFO is now off the list. Glorious pace to shit-hole in ten years flat.
You can always count on the FlightAware comments section to be full of racist drivel. Oh how surprising that you found going to SA so shocking for the first time since 1977. ð® It seems like there was plenty of violence and crime then but it was just focused on people that didn’t look like you so you didn’t notice or care.
We don’t know much about the incident. It appears that the” captain was held at gun point and then stabbed ?”and apparently no shots were fired?
However the layover for crew members should be limited to rest within the scope of a security, safety , a secure area of the hotel and not to to put oneself in a dangerous environment and/ or situation.
Not only in South Africa. It’s been happening all over the world .There were many situations and stories of crew members being robbed, assaulted or even raped .
Do not be a victim partners , stay safe so you can fly back home in one piece.
“ please , prepare for take off “