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TSA Investigating Woman Who Boarded American Airlines Flight From Nashville to Los Angeles Without Ticket

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is investigating how a woman passed a security checkpoint and boarded a flight at Nashville International Airport (BNA) without a ticket or boarding pass. This incident is the third time in two months that a passenger flew between two destinations without any form of identification. ( More...

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jhakunti 21
Fine the airline that allowed them to fly $500,000 everytime this happens and i guarantee nobody will ever fly without a ticket ever again.
matt jensen 17
That's all well and good, but who is monitoring the tsa?
billatq 8
DHS has an OIG office, and the GAO also has oversight. Congress has oversight as well, but unclear id they are really monitoring them.

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Nooge -4
Gym Jordan and Mr Haney Comer in Congress have oversight or in other words, no one is until they hear from their Russian handlers
Brian Chandler 3
This isn't the thread for your leftist conspiracies. Enjoy losing in November.
alex hidveghy 1
Ahem, nor yours!!🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
jhakunti 9
If you believe government agencies will enforce upon a business or another agency then I have some bonds to sell you. We all know TSA, FAA exist to police the commoner/ small biz/little man/ citizen. To enforce upon business or agency will hurt the economy. I mean look at the poisons in US food they don't even allow in the EU. The FAA certified the MAX but what does that mean when a plane has an AD to check already existing models for improper assembly? Not to mention the design flaws that were hidden until people died.

My point is, no one to watch TSA and if there was someone to watch TSA wouldn't make much of a difference except for a higher budget.
godutch 4
No one. The government does nothing wrong. Ever. (Sarcasm intended)
AWAAlum 1
Reallly? You believe it's perfectly alright that she even made it to the airline's gate? Every other failed checkpoint should be totally exonorated?
Who ever she is and how she did I it will be the topic of security briefing rooms at airports across the country.
She has performed a valuable service to the flying public’s by revealing security short falls that could prevent a terrorist from sneaking on to a flight.
John Taylor 4
Don't forget the guy who flew from London to New York without a ticket or passport just this month.
Joe Keifer 3
That’s an excellent point. The TSA should hire her.

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AWAAlum 3
"granny and her diaper" Overdue? Claw your way into 2024 and sign-up for a people skills seminar then go online and shop for a filter.

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AWAAlum 2
You apparently are simply incapable of making a point without being offensive.
John D 1
When you look up the definition of human debris there’s a picture of him so you know what it looks like.
AWAAlum 6
I wonder how she was ultimately discovered as a stowaway.
Joe Keifer 1
Just spitballing here but maybe she self-reported.
Joel Payne 1
Possibly a "Seat Dup", when someone else had the assigned seat that the "stow away" was sitting in?
Brian Chandler 2
Nah, because then she would have been discovered before the plane departed. She made it all the way to the destination
AWAAlum 3
Possibly, and I'm just guessing here, wouldn't that have been discovered before pushback?
Joel Payne 3
Should have, IF the 2nd pax complained to an F?A, AND the F/A asked to see pax#1's boarding card.
alex hidveghy 2
If American staff at the gate and onboard did their due diligence, sure. But did they? It’s one thing going passed security and quite another to board an aircraft without showing documentation and or having a seat assignment……just sayin’.
Brian Chandler 3
Getting past security is 10x worse security fail. She could have snuck thru with weapons, bombs etc and then handed them off to a ticketed passenger who could have gotten on the plane.
conradp99 1
Report says she WAS screened. It's not good she got past the ID/ticket bit, though.
Brian Chandler 1
It literally says she snuck through a closed security lane. Read the attached article FFS
conradp99 1
I did; did YOU stop reading after the first 3 sentences? She ducked past JUST the ID check, but WAS screened for the weapons etc you are fretting about: "After arriving at BNA on February 7, the woman managed to pass through the first layer of airport security without getting caught. She found an area in an unoccupied security lane and passed through when no one was watching. This move allowed her to avoid showing identification since officials at manned security lanes check a passenger's ID and boarding pass before letting them through.
***She later returned to another security line after passing through the first layer, where her luggage was screened, and she went through a security scanner.***

And a bit farther down: "TSA is reviewing the circumstances of this matter, but can confirm that the traveler in question was physically screened, along with their carry-on items, without incident at the Nashville International Airport security checkpoint on February 7th before boarding the flight. TSA and its airline partners are cooperating with the ongoing law enforcement investigation."
Larry Toler 6
One night while I was on duty at RAF Mildenhall we had a reservist Captain on his two week "summer camp". It was Friday night, he dutied off and I just assumed he went back to billeting. About 45 minutes later I get a call asking if I know this person. I said he dutied off. The person was one of our pax service guys at our operating location in Prestwick. Dude just walked across the flight line, boarded a Navy C9, blended in with the rest of the Space A pax. We had a good laugh. He got in trouble. They made him take a train back to Mildenhall and he was confined to quarters the rest of his TDY.
ewrcap 4
At least she wasn’t armed. I mean Ada Quonset never hurt anybody!
Chris Muncy 4
Alternative Link:
Chris Muncy 3
Sorry, the above might be blocked, try this one:
Rory Armstrong 3
Ok ..I must have missed something….why was she suspected, detained and finally arrested in LA if no one new she had got past all the checkpoints and was on the flight?…
John Taylor 3
This is purely a guess but I'd say someone saw the CCTV video footage after the fact and tracked her movements through the various areas until she boarded the plane and notified the feds to await her arrival.
darjr26 5
Unbelievable, American operated a flight on time!
MrTommy 3
Act like you own the place. Nobody will bother you. That kind of bravado works a lot of the time in all kinds of situations.
Seth Cenac 2
What about the thousands of illegals going on metal with no ID?
alex hidveghy 0
Those are Desanctimonious charter flights! You don’t need no stinkin ID, don’t ya know?…….call sign is Justice
John Taylor 1
No, Those are DHS approved flights using their court summons as their only documentation. They even get escorted by TSA to their gates. Maybe do a little research.
Leo Cotnoir 1
Perhaps commercial aircraft should be equipped with celestial nav systems as a backups. Star cameras are not all that complicated.
Leo Cotnoir 2
Oops, wrong thread.
AWAAlum 1
Kinda scatching my head trying to understand how this became an issue of Florida oranges.
ewrcap 2
Maybe the woman had a peel and was someone’s squeeze
hwh888 1
This is crazy. With TSA checkpoints, boarding pass check how in the world can this happen? Something doesn’t add up here.
sweeper239 1
This is another example of how we spire away from the topic we are supposed to be discussing. Illegal immigrants have nothing to do with this topic. The woman was not an illegal. People do not take this forum seriously. Too much politics to much name calling. I look less and less at the comments and soon I will drop this site
David Purtz 3
And you have no clue how widespread this problem is, or is not a problem. Sounds like you are waiting around for another 9-11, but this time pulled off by illegals from who knows where.
AWAAlum 2
Different thread entirely.

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jhakunti 1
Yeah, they must have invaded Boeing since never-ending the MAX series debacle. Is that the indications of the declining country you speak of?
billatq 0
Sounds kind of alarmist to me.

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AWAAlum 3
Yeah, sure, all the world ills are Biden's fault. Come on! This is NOT a political site ... time for you to acknowledge that and keep your comments on point.
John Taylor 2
The fact remains that it was under Biden's watch that the influx exploded. And they arr here and they are real. And real terrorists have been found among them. You may not think the fact that they being allowed to travel on commercial flights without any ID but it is just as relevant as this woman getting onboard an aircraft unvetted.
AWAAlum 1
Say it any way you want, it has nothing to do with Biden. Get serioius.
billatq 1
Not sure if you’re serious, but the population of unauthorized immigrants has remained roughly constant over the years. Most of these folks are individual adults and do low-paid jobs that Americans don’t want to do. A classic example was when Florida even couldn’t get prisoners to harvest oranges when they made it more difficult to hire immigrant labor and ended up with a lot of spoilage.

What is “military-aged” supposed to mean? Younger folks are more likely to be immigrants because older folks tend to take less risk. “Military-aged” people go to college. “Military-aged” people are early in their careers.

What alarms me is the lack of reasonable discourse and nuance when discussing many topics these days because it’s easier to get people angry than it is to convince them with logic.

But since we’re on an aviation board, also alarmed that a Boeing aircraft I fly is going to have some not-yet-remediated safety defect.
John Taylor 1
You can't seriously be that naive can you?
Greg S -1
"... and do low-paid jobs that Americans don’t want to do ..."

A talking point rather than a fact, and an Econ 101 fail.
robin cooper 3
Didn't someone make a movie a couple of decades ago about everyone in california waking up one morning to find out all the immigrants had decamped? and the chaos that followed.
billatq 2
How is that not economics? Cheap labor means higher margins, and if there is little margin to start, then it’s only option you have.

Here’s one example:
Greg S 1
Sorry, it's just the laws of supply and demand. An influx of unskilled labor competition lowers wages for everyone in the unskilled labor pool in the short term. So, because of that article, you now believe that Florida fruit will not be picked and the Floria fruit economy will disappear?

It's a talking point, and yes, journalists sometimes publish talking points.
billatq 2
"You now believe that Florida fruit will not be picked and the Flori[d]a fruit economy will disappear"

I don't, but I do believe that it will raise the cost of harvesting said fruit because then you need improved automation or higher wages.

That said, Florida has had other headwinds to their fruit economy, including hurricanes and disease, and orange juice prices hit an all time high in the US during October of last year.
John Taylor 0
El Pais? A Spanish paper? Really? That's your source for an anti-DeSantis comment? No bias there amigo.
Pete Pereira 0
"…the lack of reasonable discourse and nuance when discussing many topics…"

You can't be reasonable when you don't UNDERSTAND the subject, particularly complex subjects. The internet has put information at everyone's fingertips, for almost every subject, but knowing a set of facts about a subject doesn't bestow an understanding of it subject; that requires a proper education in the subject as well as in the variety of ancillary subjects that underpin it and give it its complexity. Lacking that education, people resort to using common sense to do analyses, critical evaluations and debate, which are very likely to be comprised of what I call "plausible nonsense." Common sense is fairly universal and easy to understand, and what is easy to understand is easy to perceive as plausible and not easily recognized as invalid or nonsensical, in fact it is likely to be accepted as the truth. Thus the plausibility masks the nonsense, giving validation to the adage: Little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

Alternatively, the lay public (Congress included, apparently) may depend on the news media for the analyses, evaluations, etc., not recognizing that news reporters may be just as incompetent in that field, which makes them unable to properly vet their sources and the information they provide, and tempts them to resort to common sense too, not just to understand the subject, but also to simplify it for comprehension by the lay public. So what is published as "news" is also plausible nonsense and the public is misinformed anyway.

Your alarm that a Boeing aircraft you fly "is going to have some not-yet-remediated safety defect" seems to suffer from the same lack of reasonable discourse and nuance that you lamented—but it is understandable. If you had the requisite education, you would be able to do your own analyses of the data and validly conclude that almost all of the popular notions published in the media that blamed Boeing for the MAX crashes were false and that there was nothing wrong with the MAX's design. It would also enable you to see how prejudiced minds are so easily led astray.
billatq 2
I agree with your points that information doesn’t equal understanding and I find that many news reports lack nuance that really requires reading primary sources. This is particularly true in court cases and for technical reports.

That’s part of why I find your comment that Boeing did nothing wrong to be inconsistent with the facts as raised by the NTSB and FAA reports I’ve read related to the MCAS-related crashes.

Even if you accept the claim that a pilot could have run through an existing checklist to recover from the issue, having watched videos of competent pilots try to recover from
it in a simulator, knowing well that the failure was about to be simulated, it’s difficult to conclude that there were no underlying safety issues.
alex hidveghy 1
Well stated and for reference, not many have watched Netflix’s Downfall. Recommended viewing which is rather compelling. More so than minimizing an issue or sweeping it under the carpet……

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btweston 2
I think you’re too much of a coward to just come out and say that you only like white people. There are a lot of people like you coming out of the woodwork since 2016.
billatq 1
I don’t know what you mean.

You speak about humans that contribute to the US economy as if they are subhuman because of their country of origin.

When you say “military-aged”, I can only assume that you mean to imply that it is somehow a military operation that they have migrated.

I don’t know what military would send its recruits with no support through a South American jungle with no supplies, where many aren’t going to make it, and then have them take low paying jobs in the US, but you are entitled to your opinion.

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John D 4
Why are you so afraid of changing demographics? You some kind of racist or something??
billatq 3
The demographics of the US are guaranteed to change over time, as it’s a nation of immigrants. I don’t subscribe to your conspiracy theory that it’s being driven on purpose by other nations when it’s far easier to influence in other ways, such as via misinformation.
godutch -6
William Reading, John D, and ESPECIALLY bweston will never specifically answer, or respond to comments like you posted. If they were to actually respond with common sense and facts, they would have to AGREE with you. So, they change the subject to liberal talking points and pontificate and bloviate with what MSNBC tells them to say. They've never had an original thought using actual facts (vs blatant liberal this: "Not sure if you’re serious, but the population of authorized immigrants has remained roughly constant over the years.")
billatq 7
I don’t get my news from TV or talk radio, and neither should you.

It’s frustrating to me when there is a nugget of a fact twisted to a non-sensical talking point that is repeated with no critical thought. For example, yes, there are many Chinese refugees coming to the US. But they are an ethnic minority that would be in labor camps at home. When you read about espionage related to Chinese nationals, it’s invariably by folks legally in the country.

We have real problems in the US to worry about, like rising cost of education, kids that have to move in with their parents because they can’t get good jobs and real estate is expensive, even with a STEM degree. We can’t get a handle on school shootings, and people still have medical bankruptcy despite having insurance.

For sure we need sensible immigration policies, but many problems in the US are self-inflicted, and are less often talked about because they are normalized and frankly hard to fix. It’s much easier to focus on a wedge issue that is easy to get people worked up about.

If you want specific facts, if you go look at the numbers published by the government over the last 30 years, the unauthorized numbers have remained at around 11M. You don’t have to take my word for it, it’s an actual fact published by the last four presidential administrations.

Folks that are going to stay long-term are usually authorized to be in the country, and folks who aren’t typically rotate out. It’s that simple. They keep their heads low because they could be deported at the drop of a hat, and do a lot of hard and literal backbreaking jobs.

Folks that present as refugees have a hard uphill battle to win, and most get deported. Some remain after this process, but those have authorized status. It’s far easier to be born in the US than to migrate to it, even if you have a good job.

So yeah, I’m alarmed that our country seems to have trouble solving real problems and is more focused on things that can be ginned up for votes. Discourse feels dead.

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billatq 1
As a counterpoint, police officers on school campuses don't support doing that:

Post-Uvalde, I'd hope that campus police would do a better job as well.
jetjocknj 1
William is a well-informed dude who definitely knows more than you. Listen and you might learn a little something about how the world works!
godutch 0 you know him? You sure about that?
jetjocknj 1
I encourage your to go for your GED, and you may learn to substitute facts and logic for abject name-calling.

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billatq 3
So your response to the fact that US demographics change over time due to immigration is to wish that someone’s child dies due to a drug overdose?

Look, I see that you spend a lot of your time obsessed with the border, interjecting your thoughts on it to posts where it doesn’t belong, but where’s your human dignity gone?

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billatq 3
I never said that I supported any of those things.

My original point was that you are being alarmist about the border, and you have categorically supported that claim.

When I pointed out facts and nuance, you ignored them.

Based upon your post history, I can only assume that this is intentional, but I wish you well.
AWAAlum 1
Stop with the political views. That isn't what FlightAware is for or about.
Nooge 1
I dont expect foaming at the mouth irrational people like you to agree giving wheelbarrows (amounting to 5 % of the Military Budget) to significantly degrade the Russian Military and stop war crime

We could actually cut the other 95 % of spending to defend against Russia . Ukraine is doing it for us at a much better ROI
Nooge 1
Bill should take up his grievances with Mike Johnson who wont do anything not the people on this site

He is a ByeDon hating conned-servative

As conservatives balk, U.S. Border Patrol union endorses ...

Feb 5, 2024 — The U.S. border patrol union endorsed the bipartisan Senate immigration bill on Monday as conservative Republicans have blasted the deal.
Nooge 1
Bill was Overdue for another Low IQ statement
John Taylor -2
Your head is so far up your ass it's ridiculous. If you don't know about the explosive increase in illegal immigration since Biden took office, you must be deaf, dumb and blind and living in a cave in a vacuum.
AWAAlum 3
Get Over It !
godutch -6
You are still speaking liberal facts...which are totally devoid of TRUE facts...ANYWAY you try to spin it! LOL, anywhere from Five to eight million illegal entries in just the last 3 years and you expect ANYONE to believe the numbers have remained at 11 million in total over the last 30 years?. You sir, are a fool.
Leo Cotnoir 3
Totally irrelevant to this thread.
Nooge 2
Ignore someone who WRITES like THIS it is a sign of a LITTLE MIND

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billatq 4
What substantiates your claim that perhaps 20% of the US population isn’t authorized to be there?

It’s certainly not borne out in the US census data or estimates by the federal government.

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billatq 3
You’re claiming 1 in 5 people in the US shouldn’t be here. Wouldn’t that be noticeable?

I don’t think your 9M figure is accurate, but supposing it is, I think you are assuming that all people who cross the US border decide to stay and never leave, and that isn’t supported by the facts.
Curt Johnston 0
This is the 3rd stowaway story since December. The other two traveled Int'l into the US without a ticket or passport.

Who got fired? I know DHS has 'thousands of illegals flying around' with no verified ID. We have 'Thousands Standing Around' (TSA) frisking everyone who doesn't look like a terrorist.

Someone knows exactly how it was done. The terminals are saturated with CCTV. Best we don't want to know.
Brian Chandler 2
"someone knows how this was done" -- had you read the article it states they snuck through a closed security lane when nobody was looking.
John Taylor 1
Explain how they got on the plane and took a seat with no boarding pass.
Samie Culpepper 0
Abolish TSA they’ve not caught one terroist in 23 years.
The Dude 0
So what? As long as she passed security checkpoint, the TSA did his job. It's not the job of TSA to verify that passengers have the right ticket (and nor should it be). That's a job for the airline. Same as having to produce an ID for flying when there's no law requiring that. I couldn't care less if someone flies without ID, as long as it does not have a weapon.
Billy Croan 1
Weapons are a human right.

Acting Violently isn't. And that's what you don't want on a plane. You can't screen for violent intent though. So I guess you're just going to have to wake up to the reality that safety is a mirage, and stop wasting our tax money and time trying to make things safer.
Billy Croan -1
Get her! She's illegally immigrating from Nashville to LA!

Honestly who cares. she flew for free. that's AA's problem to worry about. I bet it happens all the time with friends of staff who are just smart enough to keep their mouth shut.

Don't tell me the equity hires at the TSA know their ass from a fake ticket. There's multiple websites, right now, to generate fake tickets. Kids sneak into movies for free too.

What's funny is that the TSA responded, they're "gonna start blocking off unused security lanes".... What?, so ... uh, you haven't been doing that since September 2001?

You know this lady wasn't the first, so I guess this whole terrorism thing was just BS all along since they've had every opportunity to do it again, and haven't done so.

And... why would someone want to go from a beautiful city like Nashville, to LA? Really. That's like sneaking into a trash truck to steal free transportation to the city dump. OR stealing shit out of a toilet bowl. This lady needs a mental health evaluation.
AWAAlum 0
You generate something like your penultimate thought re a toilet bowl and then have the nerve to suggest "this lady" is the one who needs a mental health evaluation? I don't believe her flying free is the crux of this event.
Noelle Newton 0
This will ultimately fall back on TSA!!! To get into the security checkpoint you have to have a Gate pass(accompanying a minor) or a boarding ticket to even get into screening!!! Very interesting
Karl Allred 1
lately when I have flown TSA only wants to scan ,y ID. They don't even look at my boarding pass even why I try to hand it to them.
Brian Chandler 0
Did you read the article (rhetorical, because I know you didn't). They didn't go through screening, they snuck through a closed security lane when nobody was looking.


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