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Passengers Encounter Bedbug Infestation on Multiple Turkish Airlines Flights
Numerous passengers have reported bedbugs falling from the ceiling and crawling on the seats on recent Turkish Airlines flights. Despite being made aware of the issue, customers say the airline is not taking the complaints of unwanted bugs seriously. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Bed bugs on a Turkish airline? I've visited Turkey quite often in the past. Sanitation is a bit iffy. They need to fumigate the airplane and maybe check others.
They need to fumigate Constantinople.
Poor cleaning and worse desinsectation.Lack of control by the aeronáutica authority.
Well, that's enough to give me great pause when deciding who to fly on!
I've flown Turkish airlines, best food and service ever. All it takes is one bedbug ridden passenger to spread the things. Clearly better aircraft hygene is needed. Given that COVID is still rampant and few if any north american passengers wear masks, flying is already like living in an aluminum petrie dish. Now bedbugs !!!!
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Masks protect "other" more than the user. I.e., you more than me. E.g., bugs, viruses are just"particles". Masks / filters help to reduce the aerosolizezd particles from spreading, when you breathe, cough, sneeze.. Stop reading and regurgitation of "social media" and take a science class; maybe a fluid dynamics class. You might need to take a math class first. Science is the answer to bullshit!
Closed aero cabins are just big Petri dishes. Might ask When is the last time they changed the HEPA filter...
Closed aero cabins are just big Petri dishes. Might ask When is the last time they changed the HEPA filter...
I agree. So many people think they know more than university trained scientists. Masks aren't perfect but they are much better than no mask. Ask any surgeon.
Well you know how your senses detect odor right...
What else gets through?
What else gets through?
Odors are simply molecules; bacteria and viruses are many times larger that molecules. A KN95 mask does a very respectable job of catching bacteria and viruses.