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Op-Ed: The A380 Was Not a Failure and Should be Remembered Just like Concorde
When people talk about the A380 it is easy to see why they may use such terms as “failure” or “a complete flop” but I do not see it like that. While yes, the A380 has its shortcomings it is important to remember that the announcement from Airbus to me feels much like the same announcement made in 2003 when they elected to cease operations of one of the greatest planes of all time, Concorde. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
So many people see the end of production as the end of the aircraft, but the aircraft may fly for many years after production end. Take the 727 for example, Boeing stopped production in 1984 yet they continued to fly for many many years. I saw an article a couple days ago; Airbus grounds the A380, totally not true, they are just not taking anymore orders. The production is scheduled to end in 2023 but the aircraft may fly for many years after that.
I thought Airbus said production would end in 2021
For a Passenger, it is a great experience! And it remains...
from the peanut gallery where you are, you may not see the A380 the failure that it has been revealed to be. If you sit in an airline executive suite your opinion would be : flies nice, costs way too much, needs very high load factors at high revenues, burns much av gas, and we can't make enough of a profit to buy and keep the aircraft. No american trunk carriers ever bought this plane, and that gives insight into the problem. It is majestic, lovely to watch land and takeoff, and never reached their sweet spot of a market. Concorde was built and flown in spite of the market realities of revenues and fuel costs. Same short sighted reasoning..
Of course, of course. Not invented or made in the US, so it must be a flop. On another point, they don't burn much Avgas at all...
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