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KC-46 Flies Around The World Nonstop
A KC-46 from the 22nd Air Refueling Wing accomplished something no 767 or KC-46 has ever done before. On June 29th, the jet took off from McConnell Air Force base and flew west. It landed 45 hours later back at McConnell completing an around the world journey. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Got a little teary eyed. 40 years ago, that was my old wing flying KC-135's. Glad to know some traditions are still alive. Major Chris Kenney
Was anything of value achieved by this flight, or simply bragging rights ? Sure it was a nice feat, but was is worth burning many thousands of pounds of JetA, not to mention all the other costs born by American tax payers ? I imagine the flight planners knew full well the flight would be successful, so why bother ? I'm SURE I'll get plenty of flack for asking these questions.
Since it landed at the airport of departure, technically it can only be logged as a local flight, not cross-country.
Tell them to try going around Canis Major, largest know star at 600 mph. Would take 1100 years. No problem.... Great job and congratulations.
We will be flying thru space in the near future,what an adventure that will be!
It would be interesting to compare the distance they flew vs the distance they covered. Since the planet was rotating beneath them, the actual flown distance would be less.