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Retiring Delta 737 pilot, water cannon salute
Delta Air Lines Boeing 737 pilot retirement water cannon salute Date: 9-16-24 Flight: DAL2236 Airport: Detroit metro, KDTW Route: SLC-DTW Gate: A20 A/C: B737-932(ER) Ship: N924DZ/3924 ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
The best final flight that I saw was from the window seat of a TWA flight in STL. A retiring TWA L-1011 captain did a low to the runway, wheels up fly by before landing and taxiing thru the water canons. The size of the aircraft, its speed and climb were awe inspiring.
Funny, Delta pilots received a memo two or three years ago stating, "no more water canons for retirements." Said it was due to 200-300 retirements a month. I never saw anything saying they were reinstated. I sure hope so, I only have a few years left.
Congratulations! Heritage. NW. RC or DL. Crew member?
I love watching those! Had the privilege a long time to be on the Ramp when they did this for the Captain, It was a glorious moment to be involved with.
What a lovely gesture ð¤