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Hang on, one of our wheels is missing! Horror on take-off as passengers see landing gear fall off plane.
...faster than you can say Bombardier Q-series! ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
It happens. It safe.
Get that flat tire in Compton and we'll see how fast you send that
I have to laugh that people felt the need to send goodbye messages to their family.
That's like me sending a goodbye message to my wife for getting a flat tire.
That's like me sending a goodbye message to my wife for getting a flat tire.
Horror feeled the they will say anything to sale a story...Looking at the title you would think that the whole gear assembly came off but if you look at the picture you will see that only one tire came off....Probably just a loose axle nut or bad bearings....they probably did a brake job and ooops.
Are there any airline employees in this discussion?