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Close Encounter With An Emu
Airplane landing on a dirt strip in Queensland Australia, January 1, 2011. WARNING:Strong language. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
That's freakiin hilarious! Probably scared the Emu S*&t-less! Dang glad they didn't hit the SOB. I'bet it'd be hard to find an A&P guy out there!
lol - Poor Emu. :)
Emu did not hold short of runway properly...
i think emu shold have stayed back 500 feet
Maybe the emu couldn't see the hold short line for the 'f*ckin long grass'
Well the Aussies are known for colorful language, pilots are no exception lol
Man, if that was the language when they didn't hit the poor sodding bird, what would it have been had they actually taken it out!