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Hang on, one of our wheels is missing! Horror on take-off as passengers see landing gear fall off plane.
...faster than you can say Bombardier Q-series! ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Kinda makes you wonder why the PAX didn't say anything??????? While not totally life threatening, it did require a little finesse' and special handling.
As a passenger, I once watched quarts of hydraulic fluid rush down the wing whenever the flaps moved; when I reported it on the way out, crew treated me like the village idiot, and rushed up the jetway past me into the terminal. Guess I might have been skeptical, too, though.
Indeed, one can only remember the Aloha Airlines 737-200 which lost much of the roof due to metal fatigue. The problem WAS noticed by a PAX, but not reported to the crew. The 1st Flight Attendant was killed.
Read AV Herald Dash 8 incidents if you want a thorough explanation of the wheel problems.
The Dash-8 it an extremely safe aircraft when you consider that of the 1039 delivered - only six have been involved in fatal accidents. Compare this to the 747. Of the 1418 747's delivered - 24 have been involved in fatal accidents. What is especially remarkable about he Dash-8 safety record is that it make many more take-off's and landings in a typical day than a 747 (the most dangerous phase of the flight) and is flown by pilots far less experienced than the typical 747 crew. Obviously it is a very well-built and forgiving aircraft to fly.
Get that flat tire in Compton and we'll see how fast you send that