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Lion Air 737-900ER clips lamp post, tearing off winglet in the process
Lion Air is once again back in the news after one of their Boeing 737-900ERs clipped a light pole at Bengkulu Fatmawati Soekarno Airport. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Hey at least they knew better than to fly the plane after the accident!
Laughing, good one
Happens in 3s... time for a safety stand down for that team.
A taxi accident is 100% pilot error. But let's see who they blame this one on.
Clipped? More than clipped by that amount of damage! "Struck a light pole" would be a better description!
Brick sidewalks, street lights, gutters.....This was a taxiway? Doesn't look like any taxiway I've ever seen. Maybe at John Travolta's house with its personal hanger, but not at a commercial airport.
That was my first thought too - a rather odd setup for a public airport.