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Trump Administration Bans Chinese Passenger Airlines from Flying to U.S.

The Trump administration is banning Chinese passenger airlines from flying to the U.S. starting later this month, a move that comes as Beijing prohibits U.S. airlines to resume flights there. The order, published Wednesday, takes effect June 16, but it could be moved up. ( More...

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Hugh Loraine 31
Too many partisan comments. Just like New Zealand’s actions, some decisions make sense. The US remains a COVID epicentre, along with Brazil and other countries. And also, in the US, masses of people flaunting social distancing and flocking to swimming pools and parties exacerbates the problem. Why not try to stem a flow of potential asymptomatic covid carriers? Unfortunately, it becomes a public tit-for-tat squabble. I used to think a second wave of infections as preventable. However, seeing all the divisiveness, it looks like second and third waves are inevitable.
sparkie624 16
This is a good move.
It's actually a petty move.

Comparing China to the US over the handling of the coronavirus, I'd probably block US flights too. Very little testing, a population that flagrantly ignores warnings, and keeps projecting their inadequacies unto others.

China has tested far more of their population than we have. They have handled the spread of it, after stumbling in the beginning, rather well. The efforts here have been haphazard, disorganized, and in many areas totally ineffectual, and actually made things worse.

But China probably did this over the administration taunting them. It's becoming such a childish game of finger pointing, posturing, and pouting. It's an embarrassment on both sides. If the pandemic had been met head-on from the beginning in this country, tens of thousands of people would still be alive, and hundreds of thousands wouldn't have been infected. And now comes news that many people aren't getting better that had the infection in MARCH!

My fear is that the inaction, and ineptitude has given the virus the chance to mutate and those mutations are spreading around on top of the original contagion. This virus, and its variants are nothing to take lightly, but that's what has happened. It's damned tragic. This has always been a public health issue, and should never have been usurped by the White House.

As far as air travel, it should be more heavily controlled, and there should be LESS flights than more. *sigh*
Roy Troughton 9
You seem to forget where the virus originated and the lengths the Chinese regime in Beijing went to in trying to conceal it. China is the problem here not the US.
David Stark 9
No mention in the article or ensuing debate about China taking over Hong Kong, which is THE major source of tension between the two countries right now.
matt jensen 11
That should have been the first course of action. It really does no good to continue to allow those flights into America.
George Hall 4
I upvoted Trump's banning Chinese flights-passenger only though. For one reason. This pandemic originated in China. Why? The Chinese people(who are beginning to protest) live in horrible, unhealthy living conditions in rural areas and smaller towns such as Duhon. Because? The country is communist and the government does not care about it's people. The communist government there will eventually fall as socialist governments eventually do. There are people in this country that dream of a socialist America. May I tell them; IT DOES NOT WORK. It has been proven over and over throughout history in this world. You can't suck blood from a turnip! Excuse me getting on my soapbox.
Funny, you're using socialism and communism interchangeably in the same sentence thus documenting that you don't know what you're talking about. Socialism isn't bad per se. Look at Germany and France, for example. By American standards they're socialist societies, which means that the society comes before the individual. Every individual contributes a fair share to build a strong society that makes the country thrive. Ever wondered why Germany, a country of only 80 million people, is one of the strongest economies in the world (ranked #4)and the world's 3rd strongest exporter? Because they have a much more homogeneous society and free colleges. ("Ahhhh, that's socialism!!!!)
James Willich 5
Do you have an example of a functioning socialist society that is heterogeneous?
They will use Scandinavian countries. But they're not socialist, they have a mixed economy, as does the US.
Socialism is communism for slow learners.
Tim Dyck 1
According to Marc socialism is the first step towards Communism. They are not the same and socialism doesn’t always end in communism. Look at Italy under Mussolini or Germany under Hitler, both came to power promoting socialism but in their cases socialism was just a means to get to fascism.
George Hall 0
Thank you Dennis. I hope our friend Alexander reads this comment. To expand on where I left off with mentioning drug lords. Take a guess where the hot spots for drug trafficking is these days besides the U.S. EUROPE. Specifically France and Germany. Oh, yeah. I seem to remember Alexander praising socialism in those two countries. How is that socialism working out for you now Alexander ?
George Hall 3
Obviously, Alexander, you are a liberal. You are, however correct. Socialism is not Communism. I agree that Germany and France have a FORM of socialism. It is the pure socialism that cannot and will not happen in OUR U.S.A. That means YOU wish to abolish the US Constitution as it is written. Saying society before the individual is a cunning way of saying POWER over the people by the government for the "good of society". In our country, the individual has been born in to FREEDOM and has the right to succeed and prosper ON HIS OWN. There are people who are lazy and don't care and expect someone else to take care of them. That's un-American. That's what you refer to as socialism. By saying" I don't know what I am talking about is exactly what socialist government's think. That people are stupid, they are smarter, and need to be controlled. You prove my point. Go crawl back in a hole where you belong.
Robert Mack 1
Excellent post, Mr. Hall - (Hopefully he’s back in his hole now)!
Tim Dyck 0
Germany has a free market Capitalist economy so no matter how bad you want to believe it's socialist it is not socialist. It seems like people want to redefine the term socialist to try to make it acceptable but again it is not and never will be acceptable as long as people value freedom.
Bruce Atkinson -1
Socialism often mutates into communism. Just about the time the citizenry realizes their futures have turned to manure.
Bruce Atkinson -1
Good response to the super intelligent Robert Cowling who says that even though CCP let this mutate in China a while before they told anyone, it's the US's fault for taunting China. My goodness what are people using for brains? China tortures and imprisons anyone who scares them, "disappears" people regularly, spies on all other countries' governments and industries. But we should keep allowing them access? He doesn't realize were at war.
Robert Mack 0
A “thousand” UPVOTES, Mr. Atkinson!!
Thank you.
Chris B 3
Lets say China decides to ban flights to the US. All flights.

Given how many flights are purely freight full of face masks etc, how long until we have a complete shut down of medical facilitates?
James Willich 6
Sure sounds like a hell of a reason to re-shore our manufacturing.
john kilcher -2
Sure finding American's to work just might sour that project.
James Willich 3
There are 30-something million out-of-work Americans right now. I'm sure there's a decent portion that would gladly take a manufacturing job.
Trump will take care of it , just ask him ...
jeff slack -2
so much winning that we do not even know how to succeed into an uncertain future......MAGA= morons are governing america
Michael Hawke 16
Did you even take the time to understand why this was done? China won’t allow any American Airlines to fly flights into China. Why would we allow them to fly into the states?
djames225 9
Did you take the time to read why China had introduced those rules, not just to the US, but ALL international flight? Delta and United both said to China they want daily flights, China stipulated back in March 1 flight per airline per week and that was only those airlines that were flying into China in March. China Airlines are allowed only 1 flight per week to international countries for the time being. BUT because Delta and United squawked, Trump banned ALL flights from China UNLESS Delta and United were allowed their daily runs to China.
These flight restrictions were known since March.
Primarily because of a Big-mouth president .
And plenty of BM commenters who really don't understand any of this discussion.
canuck44 10
Of course you would prefer American presidents who when challenged would immediately bend over and grab their ankles. This will not last long as the Chinese need those flights to sustain commerce in the USA while the USA will be less and less intertwined with China commercially.
Like Trump can see his ankles. It won't last , Americans need their Iphones and other assorted cheap good. US is in debt to China for over a trillion dollars, now we know who really is bending over
sparkie624 14
They can be manufactured anywhere in the world... Just a little more expensive and probably built to better quality! I would like to see China trade eliminated.... They steal our Technology and then spy on us... they are not our Friends!
djames225 6
They may be built anywhere in the world, but still by a Chinese owned company. A little more expensive, no. A lot more expensive, yes. It's shown that $800 iPhone would cost anywhere from $1,300-2000 to build elsewhere.
sparkie624 7
Would be worth it... How much of the IPHONE Technology do you think they have stolen already! Not to mention everything else... As one person a long time ago said the only thing they ever got out of China that didn't suck was a Vacuum Cleaner!
djames225 6
No it wouldn't be worth it or it would have happened years and years ago! Do you really think China is the only country that steals tech?? And before folks go flying off the handle, what tech has China stolen?
BTW, most Apple products are designed in US but co-engineered and built in China, so they didn't steal their own tech. AND just like everything else, you get what you pay for. Hell even Moog products RK line stink..and they are suppose to be US.
sparkie624 -3
No.. But I think that they are the Worst! And China Developed 5G, tried to sell it to the US and everything they built it with was stolen technology and the are PO'd that we won't buy it. This Virus was Engineered by them, they covered it up, delayed information, Lying about their numbers. They ask WHO to downplay the virus and thus to allow it to be transferred around the world. We also know that they destroyed information about the virus that would have allowed quicker build of the vaccine. We have no clue how well they are handling it. Not to mention, for some reason no one of their leaders were affected, not only that but, their 2 largest cities were never effected. That had no

I personally feel that China should be held accountable for their actions. What they did was nothing short of an act of War! So YES, it would be worth playing more.. Probably get a better product in a long run, vs the China Crap that is out in the world.
James Willich 1
Why would you think that an $800 iPhone is the price point? Apple's margin on iPhones is about 40%. That's impressive, and is solely because of China's cheap Mfg. Apple will be the one to suffer from more expensive manufacturing, but their $350 stock price can absorb a lot of that friction.
George Hall 1
Yes, I would agree that China exports are cheap. It is because the Communist government pay their people pennies a day(exaggeration to prove a point). They don't get paid by the companies they work for because the government practically own them. By supporting China's cheap exports, it means one is supporting communism. There are other many ways here in the USA to make our own tech circuit boards. The more money our American manufacturers make, the more they hire American people. Competition grows. Guess what? PRICES FALL. We have to bite the bullet at first but it won't take long.
If we're tax the crap nm out of them, they'll leave.
john kilcher 3
You're bonkers. Tim Cook for one a few years ago that the Chinese are very meticulous for one, and their manufacturing systems are better than here.
Sparkie sounds a little paranoid
sparkie624 1
NO... But China is the worst place to get something we need to rely on made... Even if yo have to pay more for it.
Bruce Atkinson -1
Then go live there if you hate America so much
djames225 4
What challenge, canuck? These restrictions were known about by ALL airlines, back in March. So now it's ok for a country to say "hey 1 flight a week won't cut it, we want multiple daily flights from here" and the other country is suppose to say "Ok you folks are special, no one else can but you are allowed daily flights in but we will still only have 1 flight per carrier per week go there" Of course China had no option but to allow it or their 4 flights per week would not be able to land in the US. I'm betting if Delta and United asked for 2 flights per week, it would have been granted.
BTW, this is not defending China, but it is pointing out "things"
Yeah, I'm waiting for the winning. I mean, if failing is winning, we're #1, but I don't think that's the way it works.
And you're going to fix it by supporting socialists/ communists? Open those borders, tax the middle class, what's left of it into oblivion, and give everyone Medicare, free college education in women's studies, and $1000 a month, tax free.

[This comment has been downvoted. Show anyway.]

ToddBaldwin3 14
For Frank DeLeon and dnorthern. This website and it's comment pager are generally much more polite and more pleasant to read than most mass media comment pages. One reason is that the comments generally stay on topic, and, there are very few of these ad hominen attacks. That said, I'd like to invite you two to take your personal attacks elsewhere, and leave them off these pages.
Frank DeLeon -1
Jeff Slack too? Or just us?

[This comment has been downvoted. Show anyway.]

Ironic how rasict a country can be towards the world while trying to fight racisim in it's own backyard.
David Stark -3
Funny how the headlines mention President Trump, but the actual story is about an action taken within the Department of Transportation.
sparkie624 -8
That is the Liberal Media Speaking... AKA - Fake News!
There is NO fake news , just people who want it to be fake for a lack of understanding , or just plain denial .
Or facts. Or 3 1/2 years and 8 years during previous administration lying to people.
Would like to read a few facts that came out of Trumps mouth about this ...
George Hall -2
I am going to refrain from getting in to politics from here on out. This Flight Aware Website is not the place to start fighting over politics. It is about FLIGHT. However, I will use this pilot website to prove a point about free enterprise and individual accomplishment. I am not a pilot, however since a child, I have always loved aircraft. It is because my step brother is a retired commercial pilot who now flies for a private company. He graduated from college and joined the U.S. Air Force and flew a F4 Phantom, before becoming a commercial airline pilot. How did he get there ? He worked his butt off to obtain his dream. Most all the pilots on this website have done the exact same thing. You all do because you have that right given to you as it states in the U.S. Constitution. Socialism restricts these rights. Punishes what they call "big business" by limiting profit where every corporation( Airlines especially) is limited in how much profit they make. The result? Good hard working people lose jobs or get their pay cut to where EVERYBODY makes the same money. The social government starts scratching their heads. What happened to the tax revenue from individual people ? Liberals have this vision in their heads that corporate CEO's and owners sit around their mansions smoking a cigar gloating over the big piles of money sitting on pallets in their living rooms. Reality, of course not. They believe it. Guess what that vision IS True. But whom ? Drug lords in Central and South America. Oh yeah, I forgot. The left WANTS to open the borders, shut down the DEA an border patrol and look the other way while drugs pour in to this country. Why ? Because illegal drugs "help the poor". Lovely scenario isn't it ? I'm done. I notice that most of the comment's on this page favor whom I favor. Looks like Alexander is in the minority.
wbwb123 6
How have airline profits been limited by the government? They blew massive profits on share buybacks, then came begging the government for bailouts when they got into trouble. They’ll then declare bankruptcy, screw the employees, and do it all over again in a decade. Welcome to the airline industry.
jhakunti 5
Do not forget, all the while using influence to undermine and prevent any new airline startup or service.
George Hall -3
Airline profits lately have been limited by the PANDEMIC. They are recovering slowly. There will be no bankruptcy filed. It will never come to that. They will do what they can to protect their employees, I assure you. Oh boy another liberal. Hates "big business" whoever WBWB is.
wbwb123 6
Just another capitalist/taxpayer tired of my tax money bailing out “too big to fail” companies that mismanaged their finances. For my part, I’ve never been bailed out and have always had to be accountable for my poor business/financial decisions.
wbwb123 6
...which used to be a conservative value ;)
terry gersdorf -2
Long over due


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