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Final Bombardier CRJ Comes off Production Line
The final Bombardier CRJ (Canadair Regional Jet) to be produced, a CRJ-900, finished production and was delivered to SkyWest Airlines (OO). ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
This aircraft would always remain a favorite in the Regional Airline Business
All good things come to an end! I made myself a carreer working on the CRJ Program, from the 50 seat CRJ100 in 1990 beginning flight tests, to my retirement in 2019. A total of 2,027 CRJ of all types where delivered, almost 100 as Challenger's 850 SE (same type as the CRJ100/200). Got a Type Rating in all of them as factory pilot, but the CRJ900 was the most efficient aircraft of the bunch. They are tough, reliable workhorses that should serve many years to come unless demand declines. There are no cheaper direct operating cost 50 seat jets out there!
Moment of silence, please, for these planes
I fly on one as a passenger at least weekly. They are one of my all-time favorites.
before any notions of creature comforts and fuel economy, this thing was state of the art. With its stretched out body, it was even more of an idea.