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Bombardier C-Series First Flight Video (Video:1:06)
It flies. Don't know about the wheels, tho. On Monday 16 September 2013, a CS100 took flight for the first time, making the inaugural flight of the CSeries, from Mirabel Airport north of Montreal, Quebec, Canada, accompanied by a Global 5000 chase plane. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
So PROUD ! Congratulations Bombardier! Felicitations Bombardier!
Bombardier BBA501
You can follow it now parked at Bombardier by its ADS-B transponder while parked too.
Zoom for mirabel and change map/map options to satellite
Reg is C-FBCS
Zoom for mirabel and change map/map options to satellite
Reg is C-FBCS
Nice 2 1/2 hour flight of flying around in circles... I hope they got a lot of good data... Seeing how the flight was up that long, I am assuming that went pretty much as expected... If things were bad, I would have guessed a much quicker return...
She's just too quiet. Need to swap out the engines for a couple of JT8Ds. I want to hear that high pitched scream and see the black smoke as she climbs past.
Yeah man... I fell you pain.. Put a couple -17's and that sucker would be a rocket... Sea level to 41000 in 2 minutes.