A80 | Rotating beacon located S of taxiway R7, N of taxiway SJ2 nr fire station. |
A52-09L | Concrete hopper |
A43-26R | PAPI runway 26R unusable beyond 6 deg left and 7 deg right of rcl. |
A43-26L | PAPI runway 26L unusable beyond 7 deg left and right of rcl. |
A39-10/28 | Pcr value: 1378/R/C/W/T |
A39-09R/27L | Pcr value: 1068/R/C/W/T |
A39-09L/27R | Pcr value: 1336/R/C/W/T |
A39-08R/26L | Pcr value: 1307/R/C/W/T |
A39-08L/26R | Pcr value: 1437/R/D/W/T |
A110-9 | Noise and operations monitoring system (NOMS) program in effect; please call the atlanta department of aviation 770-43-NOISE or 770-436-6473 for more info. |
A110-8 | Runups are permitted at various sites; coord use of city facs, movement areas, allowable non-movement areas with department of aviation operations, 404-787-6095; and coord the use of the airlines facs with them. |
A110-7 | Preferential runway use in effect, expect to use runways 08R/26L, 09L/27R for departures; runways 08L/26R, 09R/27L are used primarily for arrivals. |
A110-3 | Be alert to runway crossing clearances. Readback of all runway holding instructions is required. |
A110-26 | Aircraft should not exct the acute angled taxiway turn ebnd to nbnd from taxiway N to taxiway J. |
A110-24 | Bird act on and in vicinity of airport. |
A110-23 | Aircraft with wingspan greater than 171 ft and/or tail hgt greater than 45 ft are restricted from using taxiway W. during taxiway W operations runway 27R intersection departures from taxiway lb or taxiway lc can expc the following dstcs with runway rmng: from taxiway lb 11,040 ft (tora/toda) and 12,140 ft (asda) ; from taxiway lc 10,810 ft (toda/toda) and 11,910 ft (asda) . Aircraft may req the full len of runway 27R for departure upon initial contact with air traffic control. |
A110-22 | No aircraft with wingspan greater than 225 ft may taxi on taxiway M between L14 and L16, taxiway N between P and sc, and taxiway N between U and K. |
A110-21 | No aircraft with wingspan greater than 213 ft may pass another aircraft with wingspan greater than or equal to 225 ft on taxiway L/M east of L7. |
A110-20 | Two aircraft with wingspans greater than 225 ft may not taxi simultaneous on adjacent parl taxiways L/M except west of L7 at speeds less than 15 mph. |
A110-18 | When aircraft with wingspans greater than 214 ft are present on the field, all other aircraft must adhere to the taxiway centerline on taxiways L and M, taxiways E and F, and taxiways sc and sj between sg and R due to separation between the parallel taxiways. |
A110-17 | All aircraft with wingspans greater than 214 ft are required to use taxi speeds not greater than 15 mph on taxiways A, L, M, and sj. |
A110-16 | Runway 9L departures can expect intersection departure from M2 with runway remaining 11,440 ft (tora/toda) and 10,780 (asda) . |
A110-15 | Aircraft with wingspan greater than 171 ft are restricted from using taxiway V. Aircraft with wingspan greater than 171 ft are required to use taxi speeds less than 15 mph when passing aircraft with wingspan greater than 214FT on txwy L/M (east of L7) . |
A110-12 | Group VI aircraft (lockheed galaxy C-5; antonov AN-124 and AN-125) with A wingspan of greater than 214 ft are restricted from using taxiway F east of ramp 5 north and west of taxiway D. |
A110-11 | All runways, touch and go operations, low approaches, and practice instrument approaches not permitted. |