Orlando Executive Airport (Orlando, FL) ORL Remarks
Type | Remark |
E80 | Us customs user fee airport. |
A83 | Lighted wind cones located near runway ends. |
A81-APT | ATC-CTL. When air traffic control tower closed activate MALSR runway 07; REIL runways 13 and 31; HIRL runways 07/25 and 13/31; taxiway lights - CTAF. PAPI runway 7, 25, 13 and 31 operational cons. |
A110-8 | Air traffic control radar req when orl ils runway 7 and mco ils runway 17 and 18R simultaneous operations are conducted. |
A110-7 | Aircraft taxi on S half of the W ramp restr to ADG1. |
A110-6 | Banner towing operations S runway 07/25. |
A110-5 | Noise sensitive airport. when air traffic control tower closed runway 07 is pref noise abatement runway weather pmtg. Voluntary restraint from tgl operations 2300 - 0700. |
A110-4 | For clearance or to cnl ifr when air traffic control tower is closed, contact orlando approach at 407-852-7500. |
A110-3 | Wildlife in vicinity of airport. |
A110-2 | Lighted bridge hwy located 0.5 nm S of airport may give false indcn of approach to runway 07 and 31. |
A110-14 | Please call boxes marked near entrances to W, N and E ramps. |
A110-13 | Taxiway E btw taxiway E5 and E6 is non movement area. Airport rescue and fire fighting on field; no index. |
A110-12 | Executive airport VFR arrival/departure exercise caution due to small and hvy TURBO-JET aircraft transiting airport traffic area 2000 ft and above on approach to orlando international 5.6 nm S. |
A110-11 | Cbp ofc located onsite prior permission required. contact 407 825-5102. Be alert: cbp box located on east ramp is restricted. |
A110-1 | Prior permission required for aircraft over 100000 lbs; contact airport manager 407-825-1683. |
A11 | Airport main ofc contact 407-825-1699; 24/7 emergency contact 407 579-5088. |