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Lion Air ponders cancelling Boeing jets in row over crash

Co-founder Rusdi Kirana is furious over what he regards as attempts by Boeing to deflect attention from recent design changes and blame Lion Air for the crash, while the airline faces scrutiny over its maintenance and flight crew actions. ( More...

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David Geden 1
The APA have taken Boeing to task for failing to mention the changes. Airlines contacted in the US reported receiving no information relevant to this problem. Another safety feature killing people.
Mike Monk 1
There are 80 operators of the 737 MAX and, unless I have missed it, none have had the problems that LION Air has had.
With Indonesia's air safety record in general and LIOIN Air's record in particular it does not take too much imagination to see where the probable fault lies.
If I were LION Air I would quietly co-operate with Boeing and take "one hell of a lot of" advise from people who know how to run an airline safely.
chalet 2
When both sides in a dispute, and a real HUGE one with billions of dollars at stake in new potential orders and lawsuits from families of the passengers who died, and both parties having very strong arguments, the outcome is going to take years to settle.
Graham Manley 2
Yes, and as usual, the only winners will be the lawyers. Clearly there is a degree of fault / blame with both Boeing and Lion Air. Both companies are trying to position themselves as having less blame than the other. As you say, it will take years.
patrick baker 1
is airbus going to bump some customers so to give Lion Air a few hundred airliners?, or is LioN Air going out into the used airliner market? Boeing is surely not blameless here in the question of clarity over the flight systems of these airplanes, but walking away from orders will not solve the question of where and how soon replacements will appear
Jim Myers 5
I guess you don't pay attention to any REAL news. Boeing told NOBODY about that system, not Lion Air, not Southwest, not UAL - it WAS A SECRET that was not contained in ANY flight or training manuals.

It has come under fire from U.S. pilots for NOT MENTIONING the MCAS system - a modification of existing anti-stall systems - in the manual for the 737 MAX, which began service last year.

Learn some FACTS before you start blaming INNOCENT PEOPLE instead of placing the blame on THE ONLY PEOPLE IN THE UNIVERSE that knew that system existed.
Jon Herd -3
How about you learn some facts.

Cheap maintenance and cheap training from a cheap mined airline caused this.

Otherwise, every single 737 built to the same specs would have crashed.

Typical third world country wants to blame everyone but themselves.
Highflyer1950 1
The trouble with your comments Jim, Boeing doesn’t build a plane and add a safety feature like this without it being in the operating manual, maintenance manual or quick reference handbook. Any sysytem that is capable of malfunctioning and inducing unwanted control movement has to be capable of being disabled in order to meet FAR requirements. Usually this is accomplished by following either a memory item, a non-normal or following an emergency checklist. This checklist can either be in booklet form or electronic displayed on MultiFunction display. I suspect it is a training issue either from the factory itself or downline after delivery. Most pilots I know would have done a differences course as outlined by the manufacturer, however, sometimes airlines write their own manuals and add or subtract checklist items to fit their operation. Personally, I still find it unusual that this system can be activated by only one sensor when most aircraft require an agreement of a least two sensors and even thenthere is a QRH item to disable a malfunctioning system.
The question remains, do the actions by the MCAS appear on the MFD and if so why wasn't the checklist executed (which disables the MCAS)?
linbb 4
Probably cant afford to keep them up it was a mechanics error and lack of oversite that caused the crash due to the failed part not being replaced. Should have been test flown before putting it back into service. Yes Boeings instructions were not complete but that was a secondary cause not primary but Lion will do anything they can to shift the blame.
Philip Taylor 1
I think you might find the failed part was replaced?
matt jensen 0
Yes, that and better training.


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